

Hoonah is a city in the Federal State of Alaska. Located 40 miles from the capital. In addition to fishing and fishing, they are the main industry branch of this city. Only 760 people live in the city according to the latest population census. During the summer day the day lasts 19 hours, and in the winter period only 6 hours.

In this city there is the longest zippline, it is 5300 feet long and it is at a height of 1300 feet.

Icy Strait Point

Icy Strait Point is owned and sponsored by Hoonah Totem Corporation, a private property located near the small island of Hoonah Chicagof Island. Located 40 miles from the Juneau Alaska Capital. Successful processing of fish over 60 years is something that symbolizes this place, and the processing plant was reopened in 2004. as a popular destination for all tourists who visit this place. A magical story is happening right here where you are surrounded by mountains and the sea. Experiencing Alaska is a special experience for nature lovers. Hoonah has several churches, clinics, postal offices, ports, etc.

Job Title Hour Wage Tips Housing Provided Housing cost per week Minimum hour per week Overtime Bonus
Retail Sales Clerk $10.34 No Yes $63 35 Hours Yes No
Zip line Operator $10.34 No Yes $63 35 Hours Yes Yes
Tour Sales $10.34 No Yes $63 35 Hours Yes Yes
Cashier $10.34 No Yes $63 35 Hours Yes No